Friday 27 March 2009

Social Media: Playing to the strengths of People

It has been long known that different people learn in different ways. In university psychology these "different ways" were called modalities. We all know that some of us prefer to read while others can listen with precision and others prefer waiting for the movie to come out. This is one of the great flexibilities of social media; it can be all of these and more. Additionally, improving the impact of a message can be greatly enhanced by delivering the message in different ways at the same time. Example: mixing pictures and text or video and subtitles. In a recent study a huge increase in viewing time of videos was demonstrated by adding subtitles, mixing video and text.

When we think about it, most of us know this makes perfect sense. Demonstrating once again, that going back to our psych 101 text books can give insight into the workings of social media. Much can be gained by understanding people. After all Social Media is about "Social". We as an industry do not need to be Psychologists or University professors to figure this out. It usually is no more complex a problem then looking to our friends, family and ourselves to see what they "are doing". Often we will find a discrepancy between what we want to believe people will do and like and what is the real situation. After all we all want to believe that the work we produce is the best. However, in real life, probably only our mother will love it without question and for everyone else the jury is still out. Pragmatics is the success to Social Media. KISS.

Much Success,


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